Walking Defensively Could Save Your Life
In a world where self-driving cars and recreational trips to the moon are on the horizon, it’s hard to believe that pedestrians have a high …
In a world where self-driving cars and recreational trips to the moon are on the horizon, it’s hard to believe that pedestrians have a high …
It is well known that motorcyclists face a variety of dangers and challenges on the road. Because of this, it is important for riders to …
When you’re driving, there are many things you have to watch out for; slick roads, debris, other drivers, just to name a few. The one …
A new visual traffic study by a Sacramento personal injury law firm, helps point out the most dangerous intersections for drivers in the city of …
The ideal family car has changed over the past several decades. Families in 2019, however, have an endless variety of vehicles to choose from. To …
Most of you probably think of golf carts as harmless mini-vehicles. The reality is, far more people than you would imagine arrive at the emergency …
Independence day is all about fireworks, picnics, baseball games, and barbeques. Enjoying fun and games on the 4th of July is important, but what about …
According to Consumer Reports, Tesla’s Navigate on Autopilot update is raising “serious safety concerns.” The new autopilot function allows drivers to change lanes hands-free. The …
More than two million people are injured in car accidents across the United States each year. It’s important that parents instill responsible driving habits in …
It looks like the warm weather is here to stay in most parts of the United States. The arrival of warmer temperatures brings many things …