Over the past 120 years, there have been major discoveries and developments for treating different medical ailments. From physical treatments to prescription medicines, there really is a way to treat almost everything these days. Unfortunately, with great power comes great responsibility. The use (and misuse) of prescription drugs has always been an issue at every stage of development. Up until the late 1910’s, some doctors were prescribing medication to patients to help them maintain their addiction instead of cutting them off or helping them beat it. 

While doctors play a big role in how prescription drugs are distributed, it’s also critical for the people these prescriptions are written for to do their part in making sure they are used as they are intended. Here are 3 important facts about prescription drugs that everyone should know.

It’s Illegal to Possess A Friend or Family Members Prescription

While giving medicine to a friend or family member who is in pain seems like the right thing to do, it actually isn’t the best decision for both the giver or the receiver. First, the medicine that was prescribed for you was done by a professional. This means that many different factors such as your medical history and known allergies were considered before prescribing the medication for you. Giving this medication to a friend or family member whose medical history is unknown to you can lead to many problems, including serious allergic reactions. Additionally, giving medication that is a controlled substance such as Xanax or Adderall is illegal.

Controlled substances are defined as a drug or chemical whose use is regulated by the government, as it can be abused or addictive. According to a Boulder criminal defense attorney, the possession of a controlled substance that was not prescribed to you is illegal and can result in a possession charge for you and a distribution charge for the person who gave it to you.

You Can be Charged for Driving Under the Influence of a Prescription Medication

Many prescription medicines come with a list of side effects ranging from mild to severe. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to tell how strongly one person will be affected. In many cases, drowsiness and impaired judgement is a side effect of many prescription medicines. Because of this, driving a car or operating any type of motor vehicle is discouraged. Driving while under the influence of a prescription medication with these types of side effects can result in a serious car accident or pedestrian accident. If you need to take a medicine that is deemed unsafe while operating a motor vehicle, have someone else drive or do not use it when you are planning to drive.

Prescription Medication Should Be Kept in Their Original Prescription Bottles

When traveling, using a plastic bag or a cute pill organizer seems like the logical idea. While this may be effective for transporting vitamins and supplements, this shouldn’t be done with pills that have been prescribed by your doctor. If you are traveling and it’s stored improperly, this can cause the TSA agents or police to assume that it is not prescribed to you and may charge you with possession. This can lead to serious legal problems including serious drug charges that are based on how the drug is classified and the amount you have in your possession. Instead of completely removing products from their original bottle, pack the bottles together in a compact clear travel bag for easy access in case you need to present it to authorities. 

While prescription medicines are extremely important for maintaining the quality of life for many, they are also dangerous if they fall into the wrong hands. Prescription drug abuse is an on-going issue and it’s important for people to keep them out of reach from vulnerable parties and use it only for what it’s intended for.