A car accident can cause many physical and mental injuries, and can be a very traumatic event in one’s life. Some injuries are not as easy to see compared to broken bones and scars. However, the invisible ones are just as damaging. 

It is important to know the steps to take after a case in order to prove your injuries. According to the personal injury lawyers at Lynch, Traub, Keefe & Errante, “you cannot sufficiently prove that the defendant’s breach of duty led to your injury, illness, or financial losses (known as causation), then you have no claim.” Read more to learn about common invisible injuries as well as what to do.

Common Invisible Injuries 

What is an invisible injury? An invisible injury is something that you can not see with the naked eye. These injuries can still drastically change a person’s life. It is important to know what to look out for if you are questioning if you are suffering from one. The following list includes common invisible injuries, but not all  of them: 

  • Whiplash.
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries: Symptoms of traumatic brain injuries do not always appear right away, and can have serious effects on the rest of your life. 
  • Internal Bleeding 
  • Mental Health Problems: Car accidents can trigger anxiety, depression, mood-swings and more. If you believe you are feeling psychological effects from a car accident make sure you speak to an expert as soon as possible. 
  • Back Issues.
  • Concussions: There are symptoms of concussions, however they are not always obvious. 
  • Nerve Damage

How To Prove Invisible Injuries

Personal injury laws vary from state to state. Any evidence you can collect from your case will help you receive the compensation you deserve. However, with invisible injuries this can become more difficult. The insurance company will always request proof of your losses, so be prepared. 

Take record of any doctor’s appointment you schedule after your accident. Any authentic doctor’s note can be used as proof. This can include injuries that don’t show up on scans like concussions or soft–tissue bruises. It also can include any post-accident anxiety, ptsd or other mental health issues that occur. 

Another way to prove your case is to hire an expert witness. An expert witness is someone that can use their proven expertise on a subject to provide their opinion on a subject. For instance, a medical expert could explain the extent of your injuries and what they mean. 

Finally, you can rely on other witnesses to vouch for your case. Friends and family can attest to the effects they saw in you before and after the accident. Any witness that was there on the scene of the crime can provide witness to what happened at the scene. 

Contact Experts

You shouldn’t go through this alone. Immediately after your accident, call the police. A police report can also be used as evidence, and they will ensure that you are safe. Always contact your insurance company to let them know what happened. Lastly, hire an attorney to help you fight your case. Filing a claim can be very tedious, and insurance companies can take advantage of you. You deserve to receive justice for your injuries, no matter if they are visible or not!