Slip and fall accidents are a leading cause of injury, particularly among the elderly. According to the National Floor Safety Institute, there are about 2 million slip and fall injuries every year. These accidents can occur anywhere, but they are particularly common on flooring that is worn, damaged, or improperly maintained. 

As an owner of space or property, the liability in a slip and fall accident will fall on you. An injured person can file a premises liability case against you, and your dedication to the floor’s quality and condition will be in question. To prevent slip and fall accidents, it is essential to properly maintain and repair flooring. Here, we will discuss some tips to help you do just that.

How Do Slip And Fall Accidents Happen?

As described by the injury attorneys at Ciccarelli Law Offices in Philadelphia, below is a list of reasons a person may slip and fall. Keep these warnings in mind in your establishment, and eliminate these potential risks as best as you can:

  • Wet surfaces
  • Worn out flooring
  • Uneven surfaces
  • Low lighting
  • Loose carpeting
  • Tripping hazards
  • Holes or cracks in floors

Regularly Clean the Floor

One of the simplest ways to maintain flooring and prevent slip and fall accidents is to regularly clean the floor. This means sweeping, vacuuming, or mopping up spills and debris as soon as they occur. Regular cleaning can help prevent the buildup of dirt, dust, and other debris that can make floors slippery and dangerous.

Repair or Replace Damaged Flooring

If flooring is damaged or worn, it can be a serious hazard. Cracks, holes, and other damage can create uneven surfaces that make it easy to trip and fall. If you notice any damage to your flooring, it is important to repair or replace it as soon as possible. This may involve patching holes, replacing damaged tiles or planks, or even replacing the entire floor.

Use Slip-Resistant Coatings or Mats

In areas where slip and fall accidents are more likely to occur, such as near entrances or in areas that are frequently wet or slippery, it may be helpful to use slip-resistant coatings or mats. These coatings and mats can provide an extra layer of traction, making it less likely that someone will slip and fall.

Provide Adequate Lighting

Good lighting is important in preventing slip and fall accidents. If an area is poorly lit, it can be difficult to see hazards, such as spills or cracks in the floor. By providing adequate lighting, you can help people see potential hazards and avoid them.

Train Employees on Safety Procedures

If you own or manage a business, it is important to train your employees on safety procedures related to flooring. This may include procedures for cleaning up spills, identifying and reporting damaged flooring, and using slip-resistant coatings or mats in high-risk areas.

Slip and fall accidents can be prevented by properly maintaining and repairing flooring. By regularly cleaning the floor, repairing or replacing damaged flooring, using slip-resistant coatings or mats, providing adequate lighting, and training employees on safety procedures, you can create a safer environment for yourself, your family, or your business. You can also prevent a lawsuit if someone were to trip for reasons outside of your premises being unsafe. Remember, preventing slip and fall accidents starts with being proactive and taking steps to identify and address potential hazards. If you or a loved one has been seriously injured, premises liability lawyers at Nicholson Revell, LLP, recommend seeking legal input before settling on a payout.