The rise of self-driving cars has sparked both excitement and concern as this cutting-edge technology becomes more integrated into everyday life. While autonomous vehicles promise to revolutionize transportation by reducing human error, they also raise important questions about safety. As these vehicles become more common on our roads, it’s time to examine how often they are involved in accidents and what the implications might be for the future of driving.

Autonomous Vehicle Accidents: The Data

To get a clearer picture of the safety record of autonomous vehicles, Craft Law Firm analyzed crash data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Since 2021, the NHTSA has been gathering and updating data on incidents involving autonomous driving systems (ADS) and advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS). Some of these reports trace incidents back to as early as August 2019. Companies operating these vehicles are mandated to report any accidents, with the most recent data available through June 17, 2024.

Self-Driving Car Crashes

There have been a total of 3,979 reported incidents involving autonomous vehicles in the United States. This number includes minor accidents as well as more severe crashes. The data reveals that while autonomous vehicles are designed to reduce human error, they are not immune to accidents.

Below is a chart showing autonomous vehicle incidents from 2021-2024, the period during which the NHTSA has mandated crash reporting.

Autonomous Vehicle Incidents Per Month and Year

Which Self-Driving Car Companies Are Involved?

The majority of these incidents are tied to a few key players in the autonomous vehicle market. Tesla, Waymo, General Motors, and Cruise have reported the most accidents. These companies are at the cutting edge of self-driving technology, but they also face significant challenges as they navigate the complexities of real-world driving conditions.

These are not the only self-driving car companies on the road, however. A total of 52 companies have reported crashes.

Injuries and Fatalities From Autonomous Vehicle Accidents

The consequences of these crashes are not just numbers on a report; they represent real injuries and loss of life. Out of the 3,979 incidents, there have been 496 reported injuries and fatalities. This includes 83 fatalities related to autonomous vehicle accidents, underscoring the fact that while the technology is advancing rapidly, it is not yet foolproof.

Severity of Injury Number of Incidents
No Injury Reported 1,225
Minor Injury 264
Moderate 91
Fatality 83
Serious Injury 58

The Future of Autonomous Vehicles

The data on self-driving vehicle accidents provides a sobering reminder that while autonomous technology holds great promise, it also carries risks. The hope is that as technology continues to improve, the number of accidents, injuries, and fatalities will decrease. However, the current numbers show that there is still much work to be done to ensure that these vehicles can operate as safely as possible.

For now, as self-driving cars continue to share the roads with human drivers, the focus must remain on improving safety and learning from each incident to prevent future tragedies.