Divorce is a challenging experience that no one in a married relationship anticipates. The divorce process can be very complicated not only because of the many emotions involved, but also because of the several legal steps and papers that must be filed with the family law court. Several tough yet important decisions must be made during a divorce, however mistakes are commonly made throughout the duration of the process. 

Making Decisions Out of Anger or Revenge

For people going through a divorce, it is not uncommon to have feelings of stress and anger. The end of a marriage can be extremely difficult and emotional for many people. Especially for those whose divorce came as a surprise, it is understandable to feel angry, confused, or lonely. At the same time, it is important to avoid making decisions during the divorce process based on these negative emotions you may feel towards your spouse. Acting out of emotion rather than rational reasoning can cause the legal divorce process to be drawn out and negatively impact you later on down the line. 

Not Seeking Professional Legal Help

Not getting legal help from an experienced divorce and family law attorney can be a mistake that prevents you and your spouse from efficiently settling the divorce. Especially in the case of contested divorces or high asset divorces, having an experienced legal team on your side can greatly benefit you by making sure all the paperwork is filed accurately and that the settlement agreement is fair. The Orange County divorce attorneys at Wilkinson & Finkbeiner have experienced a range of complex contested divorces and share that with a skilled legal counsel, you can save money and time in court. 

Agreeing To a One-Sided Settlement Agreement

Although divorce can be a lengthy process, a common mistake is agreeing to a one-sided settlement as a way of quickly ending the legal process. Whether you initiated the divorce or not, it is important to neither make or accept a one-sided settlement. It is important to avoid signing the first settlement agreement you receive without consulting with a skilled divorce attorney to ensure you will not be negatively affected by the agreement in the end.


Failing To Make a Post-Divorce Financial Plan

Making a post-divorce financial plan is an important part of setting up for success after divorce. Whether you are transitioning from a two income household to a one income household, or you were financially dependent on your spouse during the marriage, this transition can be challenging to navigate without making a realistic plan after divorce. In a divorce or separation case, the judge can make a spousal support order for the higher earning spouse to make support payments to the other, either temporarily or long term. Failing to set up a plan for your new financial future to make sure you are able to cover your expenses and support your children can create additional stress.

Failing or Refusing to Communicate With Your Spouse

While the end of a relationship is difficult no matter the circumstance, it is still important to be able to communicate with your spouse during the divorce process. Failing or refusing to communicate with your spouse is a common mistake made by couples during divorce and settlement negotiations which can cause a prolonged court battle. Having an open line of communication with your spouse can save money and time, and oftentimes result in a better settlement agreement. 

Using Children as an Intermediary Between You and Your Spouse

A common mistake in divorce is placing the burden of acting as an intermediary on children. The children of parents going through a divorce can be emotionally impacted just as much, if not more, than the adults divorcing. This is a mistake which can oftentimes damage a parent and child’s relationship or lead the child to resent a parent.