Safer America works with organizations and people across the country in order to bring awareness of consumer safety information through the design and development of safety data visualizations along with safety outreach. Bringing awareness to children, teens, parents and others is an important part of keeping our America safe. Whether it is keeping our children safe from child predators, staying safe on roads filled with distracted drivers, keeping guns out of our schools or any other matter, we want to increase awareness through social sharing to help keep America a safer place. Knowledge is power and we aim to give people power by providing insightful information and tips in order to increase safety and awareness in America. However, we cannot do it without the help of others.
If you read something that you think others would benefit from, make sure to spread the love and share with those people you care about. Additionally, we are welcome to any ideas you may have on different infographics and data visualizations that you think may make an impact on others. Together, we can make our country a safer place.